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Friday, April 19, 2013

Cambrian Explosion...or Graveyard?

Creationists need to be careful when discussing the fossil record with unbelievers (or believers). When discussing the fossil record, it is relatively easy to point out the obvious absence of transitional forms, the mixed up strata, and the obvious discontinuities between fossil species. However, there is one area that creationists misuse much of the time. The Cambrian Explosion.

What is the Cambrian Explosion? About 530 million years ago (according to evolutionary time), there is an abrupt appearance of thousands of different body plans and animal phyla. These phyla have no obvious ancestors in the fossil record. Charles Darwin once said that the fossil record was one of his greatest enemies. When the Cambrian Explosion was first discovered, it caused quite a stir, and the secular scientific community still has not given a satisfactory explanation.

But, apparently, the Intelligent Design (ID) Movement has. Dr. Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute is publishing a new book in June called Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design. Now, so ENV doesn't take what I say and put it on the same plane as what Jerry Coyne says (I hope they don't), I am not going to say one way or the other about what the book deals with. First, I haven't read it yet. Second, I am looking forward to reading it. I currently own a copy of Signature in the Cell (it took me awhile to find the hardcover edition!), and I am very much enjoying it. I agree with almost everything he says in the book. I am going to make one assumption about Dr. Meyer's book: because of the title, I am going to assume that the book deals with the sudden appearance of animal life.This is where ID really sticks it to the Darwinists. They point out that you cannot have all of these brand new animal phyla without a sudden, massive influx of new information. That is very true. According to the fossil record, these animals never existed before--they are brand new. Therefore, they must have been designed.

This is the point at which creationists need to take notice. It is is fallacious for creationists to use the term, "Cambrian Explosion," because there was no explosion. The one major advantage that creationism has over ID is that we have an Infallible Guide to direct our research into origins studies. The Creator has told us how He created. We know that He created in six literal days approximately six thousand years ago (yes, there has been extensive research done in this area by legitimate scientists--just check out some of the links on this blog). On days five and six, all animal phyla were supernaturally brought into existence ex nihilo. If all animal phyla were brought into existence at the same time, then how could there be a sudden appearance of more animal phyla later in the fossil record?

Because, this was not a record of appearance. It was a record of death and burial. Approximately 4,300 years ago, another WORLDWIDE event happened. Christians refer to it as Noah's Flood, of simply, The Flood. I am prepared for a round of snickers at the mention of it, but it's okay. Several good books have been written on the subject (of course, most who would derisively laugh at the idea of The Flood would never dare actually read a technical, academically rigorous book on the subject). The Flood wiped out all living things except for those preserved on the ark. The Cambrian Explosion is a testament to the catastrophe that buried them, not some random, unknown influx of design from some unidentified Designer. Creationists need to be careful not to adopt the same terminology as ID and therefore confuse the issues.

(This will make Discovery Institute and ENV happy!) ID and Creationism are not the same thing. ID merely postulates that there is design. Creationism advances a coherent origins model based upon God's record account and supplemented by scientific evidence. When Creationists speak of the Cambrian Explosion, I think a better term is in order. I think it should be referred to as the Cambrian Graveyard. For truly, it is a Graveyard--a testament to Divine Judgment.

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