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Friday, December 21, 2012

Which is YOUR authority?

What is the fundamental problem with old-earth creationism (e.g. theistic evolution, progressive creationism, gap theory, literary framework hypothesis)? Quite frankly, there are many problems. Biblical Creationists have combatted these problems head-on and quite effectively for decades. These problems have been countered through both science and biblical interpretation. But, this is not the fundamental problem. Does a problem exist? Quite possibly, the "problem" could be nothing more than a difference of interpretation (such as different methods of baptism). But no, it is more serious than that.

The fundamental problem of old-earth creationism (OEC) is the indecision these individuals have concerning their choice of final authority. Many times, the OEC's will admit that a "cursory" reading of Genesis 1-11 obviously requires a literal reading and understanding. In other words, it demands to be interpreted as having occurred over a period of six days around 6,000 years ago. But then they make a mistake. They usually preface this mistake with a phrase like, "But the scientific data says..." Now, this might sound like a dumb question -- but, if the Bible makes it clear that the Earth is young, then does it really matter what the scientific data says, or seems to say? I suppose that, before we go any further, we should determine how science and scripture relate to each other.

Hugh Ross (founder of Reasons to Believe) is often known to refer to Nature and Science as the 67th Book of the Bible (added on to the other 66 books). Let us make a distinction here that Hugh Ross (and many others) refuse to make. Historically and traditionally, there have been two modes of revelation from God to man. The first involves Natural Revelation; this involves Nature and Science. In this sense, God is making His Existence known to us by the mere existence of the universe. By looking out at creation, God wanted us to know He existed. But, being omniscient as He is, He knew that man would intellectually rebel against Him and would seek to explain the existence of the universe completely naturalistically. He knew this (funny, how this has happened -- Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, and others). To counter this, He gave us Special Revelation. This is His written Word that He gave us over the span of 3,500 years of human history. This Word is set down: inspired, preserved, and inerrant. His special revelation is to take precedence over His natural revelation. Of course, His creation will always be in harmony with his Word (if interpreted correctly). Unfortunately, many choose to ignore this harmony and instead compromise the naturalistic theories of man by molding, bending, and distorting God's revealed Word to us, thereby compromising its integrity.

This is the fundamental problem of OEC's. Biblical Creationists do not have this problem because they recognize the harmony that exists, but they place God's Word over scientific data because it is our Final Authority.

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