When the New Atheists start their polemic rants against Creationism, Intelligent Design, or just religion in general, Christian philosophers and scholars rise to the occasion to defend. But the Atheists rarely (if ever) listen. They just don't have time for the petty Christian scholars. Dr. Berlinski is a different matter.
Dr. Berlinski is not a Christian, nor is he necessarily religious. He is a self-proclaimed secular Jew. In the book he references the days gone by of "sunny agnosticism." As an agnostic, you would think that he would side with the New Atheists against religion. WRONG!
Berlinski delivers an amazing defense of religious philosophy and God Himself. In some ways, he presents a more cogent and persuasive proof of God than most Christians. His book was a great pleasure to read.
It has been said that Darwin's Origin of Species was written as "one long argument." I cannot personally comment on this, for I have not read it (yet). Berlinski's book is one long (enjoyable) argument! He has fun dishing it out to the Atheists. He is very respectful of religious thought.
I definitely recommend this book.
David Berlinski: www.davidberlinski.org